Friday, July 29, 2011

The Little Things

Every now and then I get struck by the fact that I have a pretty good life now.  And a big smile just comes across my face along with a wave of gratitude that radiates around my whole body.  I take my last final on Monday and should wrap up the semester with two A's.  Not bad for not being in school for over 15 years.  Today, we went to the gym and then I came home and made us a couple of chicken wraps, while Chad got ready for his doctor appointment.  This morning I vaccuumed the couches and floors and then we cut the dogs nails (Percy is the biggest baby).  I know this all sound humdrum and ordinary, but for someone like me, that looks back over the past few years of his life, this is totally amazing.  Never did I think that I would be married, with two dogs and a house.  Two cars and a gym membership.  School, work, and complaining about finding time to study. 
I look up to the sky and say Thank you God for leading me in the right direction and knowing that all the pain I put others in my life through, has finally managed to turn into something solid, good, nice and appreciated more than I can say.  That was probably the biggest run on sentence in the world, but, who cares. 
I am Happy!!!!  Shout it....Scream it....Love it!!!!
Most of you know it wasn't always that way.  All I can say is this:  God never gives us more than we can handle.  Doesn't mean He doesn't test the water sometimes to see if we sink or swim.  But He's there to pull you out if you need it.  You just have to grab hold and see that the life being offered is a much better one than the one you want to leave behind.   Now, that being said...the want to change your life should be enough motivation for most to see the errors of their ways and move on.  Sometimes (as in my case) a bigger kick in the butt is needed.  Use it.
Well, I had typed two more paragraphs but my internet went out for a minute and I lost it.  It was really profound too.  Any way, the last line that I remember said..."Don't sweat the small things, and they are all little things."  Til next time.  Love ya.

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