Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Wonders

As most of you know, Chad bought me a little puppy for Christmas - Percy.  Percy was meant to take the place of Sloane, the little Chi-poodle that was our roommates in Key West (Hi Allison), because I felt that Bare (our Rotti-Labrador) was depressed over not having a playmate anymore.  And he was depressed.  He would sit in front of the door and whine and look for Sloane every morning for the longest time.  Not only did he lose a friend, but he lost a yard that was totally his to run around in.  Now he was constrained to a leash.  So, depressed he was. 
Anyway, Percy is the smartest, most coniving little destroyer of all things that we've ever seen.  And, because of his face, he gets away with almost everything.  Now, you have to understand that since Percy has been living with us, things have been reversed.  Bare, that I bought for Chad several Christmases ago, is now my dog.  And Percy is now Chad's.  And it funny how these two, distinctly individual dogs have taken on certain characteristics of their owners.
Percy is into everything and has an opinion about everything.  Does things his own way and damned everyone else if they tell him different.  When he gets in trouble, his face says, "ME???  No you are mistaken.  I'm never wrong."  And when he knows he's in trouble.  He looks at you as if to say, "What?  What're you gonna do?  Thought so."  So strong and independent.  But afraid of the littlest things.  The vaccuum cleaner and thunder.  (Chad's is spiders).  Big Man.  Small spider.
Anyway, with Bare, he is a lot like me.  Laid back and easy going.  Can get riled up on occasion and likes to have fun, but is weary and knows when to say hey, "This isn't for me."  So sensitive, just like me, and can't for the life of him understand why Percy can sleep on the bed and he can't.  It hurts his feelings.  The answer, by the way, is that Percy weighs 25lbs and Bare 85-90.  There is a little issue of room. 
So the latest thing that has come to pass is the doggie door.  About a month ago, Chad (and his new set of power tools bought especially for this job) installed a doggie door in the house in an attempt to make our lives easier.  Door looks great.  Easy to use and automatic.  A sensor on the collar unlocks the door and allows entry.  Thus keeping out unwanted guests and allowing for freedom.  Percy loves the door.  Bare is so scared of the door that he barely approaches it.  My roommate got the biggest kick out of me yesterday trying to teach Bare to come through the door.  I was basically pushing this dog into the door and he was kicking and fighting the whole way.  I don't get it.  He will come in and out the door and long as we hold it up for him, but not if he has to push it himself.  WOW!!! and out.  In and Out.  Looking at Bare going, "Come on you big fraidy cat.  It's a plastic door.  Jump in.  Jump out.  So now Bare stands at the door and whines because Percy is outside and we have to let Bare out.  Incredible.  This is not my dog.
So, I was standing at the kitchen sink looking outside and Percy goes skittering by.  Swoosh swoosh.  Out the door.  Bare looks up and goes, heh, whatever.  I see Percy mount this little mound of dirt in the yard and he strikes a regal pose.  Looking out over his domain.  Knowing that all he sees is his for the plundering.  Plenty of squirrels to chase.  Gecko's to kill and grass to hide in.  Knowing that the only thing to enter his domain will do so with the sound of the creaking door opening because his brother is a wimp.  So, for the time being, his land is safe.  Our little wonder.

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