Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bring You Love

Since the wedding, I've been asked several times if I feel any different now that I'm married?  I tell people no.  That it's all the same, I just wear a ring now.  But that's not entirely true. 

One of the things that's changed is the level of committment that I feel toward Chad.  We used to kid around alot about "there's the door" or "why are we doing this". But everytime I feel that ring around my finger or see the sunlight glinting off it,  I am reminded of one thing:  He loves me enough to want to be mine for the rest of our lives.  LOVE.  I think it can conquer all. 

For those of you that don't know our story, I like to believe it is kinda fairy tale-ish.  When I first met Chad, I couldn't stand him.  I thought he was a pompous, arrogant, know-it-all whose dry sense of humor and sarcasm drove me crazy.  And I was his manager.  But, we started hanging out and getting to know each other and love happend.  It wasn't easy.  Nor did it happen right away.  As you've come to know from reading my blogs, I was/am an alcoholic.  And some of you may have guessed that I had given up on life and was slowly killing myself.  And then Chad happened.

He came along and somehow we fell in love and when things got to be real bad....he didn't give up on me.  And he wouldn't let me run or push him away.  Somehow this big dummy fell in love with me and found the strength to hold on to me and help me through one of the most difficult things I have ever been through. 

On the flip side, Chad had kind of given up too.  But love is amazing in what changes you make for it.  And it's amazing for what it can teach you.  In Chad, I found a strength that I thought had left me years ago.  I realized that I can do whatever I put my mind to and I am capable of so much more than I ever gave myself credit for.  While he was fighting for me, he stopped quitting on himself. 

And Chad learned a few things too.  He learned patience and a way to look at things in a different light.  Our life struggles have been different and our journeys have led us to places neither would have gone.  I traveled a lot when I was younger and saw a great portion of the world.  Chad has never been out of the U.S.  I went to college and studied while Chad learned about life in other means.  I love books and movies and gazing at the stars and Chad likes fast cars and loud music and hanging with his friends.  None of these are bad, but the ten year difference in our ages shows a little here.

Not that I would give it up, for I believe it is these differences that make us a strong couple.  We learn from each other.  He to slow down and enjoy life and me, to maybe take things a little more serious.  We meet halfway most of the time and I'm sure we will have a great life.  TOGETHER.  It only takes embracing the differences and knowing that they are there. The old saying goes, "You've got to give a litte, to get a lot."

We've been together for two years, and both of us have changed a lot.  It's really amazing how much sharing your life with someone opens the doors of opportunity and growth.  It takes the selfishness away and brings togetherness.  This, I think, is what GOD intended in the first place.  That love should never be blind and never boastful.  It is quiet and subtle.  You find it when you're not looking and amazed by when you do.  If you let it envelope you and hold you, put all your everything in it, you will be shocked by how far you can go,  what you can accomplish and lives that you touch.  Open your eyes and your heart, and the journey you will travel afterward can only bring you joy.

Balance.  Talk.  Listen.  Enjoy.  Share.  Laugh.  Cry.  Yell.  LOVE!!!

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful tribute... says a lot about BOTH of you
