Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brings Happiness

So, it's been three days since the wedding and a little over a week since my last blog and so much has happened.  On Friday, I was wondering why anyone would want to get married after all the stress that we have put ourselves through.  There were times that afternoon when I wanted to call it all off and say %*&# it.  It just wasn't worth all the aggrevation, tears, turmoil and frustration.

By Friday night, those feeling had subsided, and whole new set came on.  With family and friends now in town, the anxiety, nerves, and butterflies had all set-in.  So, I found my port in the storm (thanks Dottie), got my focus on, and kept it all together.

Saturday morning came and here came the hurry here, do that, what's this, you were supposed to do that, and run run run.  And at 4:30, be at the gardens, cause you're getting married in a half hour.  Of course the ceremony was beautiful.  Everyone had a great time and it went off with only a few minor glitches. 

And we were happy.

It is worth it.  Knowing that the one you are ready to spend the rest of your life with, wants the same thing. That vowing in front of family and friends and saying "I'll be there for you through it all" means a great deal.  It is nothing to make fun of or take lightly. 

And for a few short hours the world stopped. It was only about me and him.  Nothing else mattered.  But it did.  The way my Dad looked at me and I saw happiness in his eyes.  It was the same happiness I saw in the eyes of Chad's sisters and Mom and Dad.  The same happiness that I saw in the eyes of all our friends that had gathered to celebrate our day with us.  The whole world was happy.  At least in my mind and that's all that mattered at that moment.  For a few short, blessed hours, almost everyone we cared about was happy.  And it all made sense.  These little moments.  The twists and turns of fate that lead us to where we are all happen for a reason.  Just gotta have faith that all things work themselves out for reasons that we just can't explain.  God leads us in ways we can't imagine and without our knowing.

So, I thank everyone that made October 16th, 2010 the happiest day of my life.  Without everyone that come into our lives or brought us into life, we would not be here enjoy all that God has given.  So, family that traveled from afar, friends that sacrificed to be here, and all the others that rejoiced with us wether at the pary or just by saying congratulations over Facebook, I thank you.

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