Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Change of Venue

It's amazing how the smallest things can bring people the most joy.  For months, my man, Chad, has been in the dumps.  You would think that after getting married that his stress level would drop and some happiness would return to his face.  Well, it didn't.  What the hell was going on with him?  In my mind, I knew what the problem was, but I didn't think that it could affect him so badly.  I look at things and make the best out of the situation and try not to let it bring me down.  Not so much for Chad.

So, much to our surprise, it seems that we will be leaving Key West earlier than we thought.  When I told him that we should leave as soon as possible, his face was unlike anything I've seen in a long time with him.  it was pure happiness.  Here, I thought that it was a simple thing, but to him, it was the world.  It gave me great joy to make him happy.  That's all I've been trying to do for a long time.  He deserves it.  We all deserve to be happy.  And it cost me nothing. 

I will be happy anywhere as long as long WE are together:  He and I,  me and all of you, and all the blessed friends we have made along the way. 

So, mid December we are gone.  We'll be there just in time for Christmas.  Which is great since we always go to Orlando/Inverness for the holidays anyway.  I will miss all my friends here.  Since I became sober, I've developed safety nets and have a support structure in place in case I breakdown an stress myself out to much.  Although, I don't rely on it to often.  It will be difficult to establish this line of defense upon moving, but I have already started making the necessary arrangements.  And every day gets a little easier for me to cope with the fact of moving.  A few keystrokes and I've accessed the Orlando chapter of AA.  Found several meeting sites and have talked to my sponsor about how the sponsor program works upon moving.  I'll have to find a new one, but I know Haig will always be there for me if needed. 

Chad on the other hand gets his joy back (ok, more joy since he already has me, heehee).  He gets his lifelong friend, Jimmy, back.  His sisters are just around the corner and a job that he truly enjoys is waiting for him.  That's the real reason we are moving anyway.  The cost of living on the Islan is to much, and even harder when you hate your job/boss.  So, we all win in the end. 

I'm happy he's happy.  He's happy to be off the Island and back in a place he loves.  I'm happy for a new adventure (there was one year I moved seven times).  I look forward to meeting new friends and working in another Outback.  This will be Outback #9 or 10, I lose track, but after 15 years I'm not looking for a new job.  Just a change of venue.


  1. What a perfect way to start your new life together - WITH A NEW ADDRESS!!

  2. This is beautiful Craft! Just like the two of you and your life, best wishes for your new start together, it will be glorious!!!!
