Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Second Chance

It was never supposed to be like this.  In my alcohol infused brain, I was to be dead way before now.  Now after not drinking for a year and a half, I've finally found happiness that I thought God had said I was to never know.  I've found Love, which I thought was never supposed to be mine.  For some reason, I thought that I was only here to take up space.

Somewhere along the way, I learned that I actually was a good person.  That I had a lot to contribute and that I was actually quite smart.  I just didn't want to beleive it or hear it.  I don't want this to be a "Oh, woe is me" blog.  I want this to be uplifting and inspiring.  I believe that the world needs a hero.  That there needs to be some form of hope.  The economy is for crap and there is famine and war all across the planet.  Sooner than we think, there will be millions homeless or dead due to the melting polar ice caps and global climate changes.  And I think, and the real reason I've started this, is that the "HERO" needs to be us.

Not often enough in this world do we give people a second chance. Not often enough do we believe that someone isn't out to just take us for a ride.  Faith is a strong word and not in our vocabularies enough.  Faith in the human race and each other that there are still some good, honest people in the world.  I believe that it is an intrinsic value that we want to trust and believe in each other.  But, since the beginning of time, all we've had to go on is the bad.  Well, bad has taken over and it's time for GOOD to come back.  Do one good thing for someone today and tomorrow and it goes a long way.  Let it get paid forward.  Let a little act of random kindness be the thing that starts your day and see how you feel later. 

I kind of believe that grouchy people are grouchy simply because no one has ever just smiled at them and said, "hello, how are you today".  It could change the world.

I've been blessed by second chances.  Took them for granted and still been given more.  And there are a lot of people out there worse off than I was or am.  Believe it or not, you are loved.  People do care and there are second chances. 

So, for my first blog I would like to thank a few people.  God - for giving me four chances that I can remember (and some that I don't).  Brian David Cruikshank, for giving me a second chance as long as I got help.  Chad, for leading me to the help (and also showing me more LOVE than I ever thought I was allowed to have). Haig for keeping me on the straight and narrow even when I don't wanna be.  Allison who probably has the biggest and best heart that I've ever encountered and her mother, Angela, who gave it to her.  I'm blessed and alive today because of these people.  My Second Chance.


  1. You are a blessing in all of our lives Greg... I Love you

  2. I am so honored to be mentioned in your first blog. I feel blessed just to know you.

    I applaud your recognition of a Second Chance. God is so good... if we let HIM....

    Rest assured, I will be looking for regular blog posts from you...

    Love and hugs...
