Sunday, September 8, 2013

The People In Our Lives

It's amazing you know.  The people in our lives.  Never do we know the reasons why we cross paths or come into contact with the people around us, but it happens.  And trying to figure it out could drive you crazy.  So just don't try.  All we can do is take from them the things that they give us, give to them what we have to offer and hope that whatever the connection we have made in the little time we've had together, will make a difference in each others life.

I read somewhere once upon a time, that if someone makes eye contact with you, it's for a reason and you need to acknowledge them.  Say hi.  There is something that can be given to the other if we let down our barriers and open up to each other.  Easier said than done in this day and age.  But, there are times when I believe it and act on it.  I've had great success with this and some really bad endings but it isn't about the outcome, it's about the journey.  What have you learned from the experience and what can you pass on to the next person?  It's actually a fun little game, but you have to stay open to the experience and not let yourself get closed off.

To people that are a part of your life everyday, it's a little different.  We let so much of the past bog us down that we forget to live in the moment.  These are the people we have to interact with everyday and if we can't be our self around them, then we really have a problem.  It should be easier to interact with the people closest to us but most of the time they are the ones we shut down around.  Why is this?  My God, I love to have fun with people and act silly, so when I get upset or mad, everyone knows.  But you know what, they leave me alone when I want to be alone and they pick me up when I need to be picked up.  For the greater part of my life, I closed myself off and kept everything bottled up inside.  It nearly drove me crazy.  And there are times when I find myself falling into the same trap and I have an anxiety attack trying to figure out why.  Just be yourself.  If you wear your heart on your sleeve, then I'll pick it up and mend it when it breaks.  And if you don't, I'll pinch your butt until I see a smile.  Just relax and don't sweat the small stuff.  And it's all small stuff. 

It breaks my heart to see a friend hurting.  I don't understand some of the stupid things that people do.  Why intentionally hurt someone.  If you make a mistake, admit it and move on.  Stop dragging it through the mud.  But to the person that got hurt.  Wallow in it for a minute.  Take it in and own it.  Use it.  Let it make you stronger.  Learn from it.  Put it up on the chalkboard as 1-0.  And head back out a little wiser and better for it.  It sucks!!! Yes it does, but in the end, you'll be better for it.

Personally, if there is something in your life you can learn from and use it to grow, go for it.  The right thing is not always the easiest thing.  The easiest thing isn't always the right thing.  With a little temperance, love, compassion and understanding, you can mend.  You will come through the fire better than when you went in and you may learn a thing or two about yourself in the process. 

I love my life.  I've learned a lot going through it.  I have to remember to appreciate the ones that mean the most to me at times and to laugh in the face of adversity, but for the most part, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  We are who we are due to the people in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. You reminded me of things that I had began to forget.

    Have a FANTASTIC day and continue being a WONDERFUL person!!!
