Sunday, June 12, 2011


The past few weeks have left me totally amazed.  The usual has been going on in my life, but things are changing and it feels like the changes are for the good instead of the bad. 

One of the good things that's usually bad are the little fights that Chad and I get into.  Now, I know you're saying how can a fight be good?  Well, its good because I am starting to see growth from them.  There's an old saying that goes, "Without pain, there can be no growth."  I have seen plenty of growth in our pain.  A fight that usually would have ended with a few hours of not talking and threatened actions has turned into ten minutes of heated discussion with a mutual agreement of faults from both sides.  Its usually a reaction to an inappropriate action that caused the irrational behavior to begin with.  It's in recognizing that both parties need to take some responsibility that allows for the growth.

Chad and I both got tattoos this week.  They are addicting.  My last tattoo has so many negative connections that I feel this one as a  way of saying I can put my past behind me and I'm ready for the next adventure my lifes journey is presenting. 

My last tattoo was done on a Monday in May two years ago.  Tuesday I showed up to work so drunk i couldn't talk.  Thursday I checked into rehab.  Two years and a month to the day and I am no longer that same person.  I am now someone I can look in the mirror and not be afraid to look myself in the eyes.

As most know, I'm at the gym almost everyday.  I'm finally starting the see the changes in my body that bothers see.  My muscles are getting more definition and, even though my weight is staying the same, I know I'm in the best shape Ive ever been in.  One of my new sayings is,"You need help with that? Ive been working out."  It's great for a good chuckle. 

Overall, things are going pretty well.  School starts in two weeks and I'm actually excited about starting.   Ive let fear rule my life for so long, that I'm ready to stand up.for myself now and get the things that I want.  Try it for yourself.   You'll be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a beautiful soul! Growth and movement are so amazing and necessary, and you are doing it!!! I just got the same message myself, release the fear, and it will all be fine! Much love and light always!XOXOXOXO
