Thursday, February 24, 2011


It's funny to me to roles that people play.  I know I've touched on this in an earlier blog about how over time the roles we play in our lives change (from partier to mother, etc., etc.,....) but for the most part our basic instincts have stayed the same.  You if look back at your life and really examine your character over the years, I'm sure you'll see that you have the same basic role, but you've just played it differently.  I am a caregiver.

Last night Chad and I had "date night".  Our lives have been really hectic since moving to Orlando and it seems that we don't spend any time with each other even though we see each other quite a bit throughout the day.  It was great.  We went to a movie ("I am number 4"; it's really good) and then dinner (Bubba Gump at City Walk; terrible service).  I know this seems like no extraordinary night, but it means a lot.  When we get busy and get brought down to living day to day without making any real time to do things with each other, you lose a little bit of that special bond.  Now, sitting on the couch watching T.V. is together time, but are you really interacting with each other?  NO.  Being out gives you the chance to talk.  To do something together that's out of the ordinary.  We played video games before the movie since we were early.  We laughed with each other and competed. It lets you know something about your partner that you may have forgotten or that slipped to the wayside.  We had a good time.

But I am on a tangent.  The role of caregiver has always been in my life.  But I lost track of that at some point even though I can retrace my steps over the past few years and see that it wasn't lost.  I was still doing it, but it was downplayed.  Since Chad and I met, the role of caregiver has come to the forefront once again.  And I love it.  I had forgotten how self-fulfilling it is to be self-less.  To stand outside of yourself and do for others.  We forget that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

I remember a time in my life when I was the caregiver for a quadriplegic.  Dan.  Imagine if you will not having the use of your arms and legs.  This young man wanted to finish college after his accident and go into Sports Management.  I was at a low point (one of many) in my life and didn't have anything to do.  No job.  School was not in the picture.  So I found Dan and spent the next two and half years being his arms and legs.  It got to me sometimes.  And there were plenty of times when I was selfish.  But it made me feel great to know that I helped him finish college and get placed at the University of Tennessee Athletic Department. 

It's almost like that with Chad.  Kidding.  But I love the way it makes me feel.  I never thought in a million years that I would get up in the morning, take the dogs for a walk, go to they gym with Chad and work out, come home make breakfast, pack his lunch and dinner and send him off to work.  Now shut up.  I'm not the woman or the housewife.  I take my manhood very seriously.  Just with a little more flare.  But these are the roles that we fill.  He's the provider.  It's important to him to make us a nice home and to have nice things.  I'm the caregiver.  I take care of the nice things and make sure he's able to give them to me. 

Sounds pretty simple, but it isn't.  I love the life we have.  A lot of people yearn for what we have.  It takes a lot of work.  But we all deserve it.  God didn't put us here to be unhappy.  Sometimes we just need  a kick in the butt to realize it.  So fill your role with grace and flare.  There's nothing wrong with it.  And if you need a little help along the way.... come talk to me .  I'm the caregiver.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't is wonderful when all the pieces of the puzzle come together??
