Friday, April 19, 2013

Time Off

Hello Everybody,
I know it's been a while.  Sorry about that.  Life gets busy and as we all know, there are times we have to put some things on the side lines while we take care of the things that need more attention.  With me, its been work.  Now, let me restate something I've said in my blogs a few times:  Nothing I say here is intended to hurt anyone.  These are just my thoughts and my way of expressing how I feel.  Do not take them personal. 

Work has been the #1 thing in my life for a few months now (well, a little over a year).  I've been working two jobs to make sure we maintain our lifestyle and to keep us afloat.  The longer I keep working these hours, the more tired I get and when the choice comes down to writing a blog or getting a little extra sleep, I choose the sleep.  Trust me, I'd rather be reading a book on the beach than working at the deli or outback.  I'll trade places anytime.  But that isn't my reality at the moment.  I'm starting summer school in a few weeks.  I've only got four pre-req classes left before I can apply to Nursing school and I want to get them done.  I can't wait to start my clinicals and working with the patients. 

The other day I get an e-mail from my Anatomy and Physiology teacher sent to all the students telling us that it has been his experience that students that take this course over the summer and work more than 20 hours a week tend to fall behind and end up failing or not doing very well.  I work anywhere from 60 to 70 hours a week so this is going to be fun.  I'm not really worried about it though.  I know that I can do the work.  My best half tells me all the time I'm the smartest dumb person he's ever known.  Lol.  The course work isn't going to be the hard part.  I know that as long as I attend the lecture and do the in-class assignments, my retention is incredible and the book work comes easily.  Now, staying awake in class might be a problem, but Monster makes a no-carb energy drink that I'll be buying by the case.

Plus, and this is the part I love, Chad has already said that he'd work some of my shifts at the deli so I don't have to stress myself out.  I love this.  He knows how important this is to me and, as I did for him, he's willing to make sacrifices so that I can attain the goals I set for myself.  I love him for this (And a bunch of other things too).  And that's what relationships are for.  Making sacrifices for each other, doing things even when we don't want to, and supporting each other through the good times and the bad while forgiving the little things that really piss you off.  Doing all these things now, so you can reap the rewards together later and have the life you always dreamed.

Now, I know it sounds like a lot.  And it is.  But it'll pay off in the long run.  We're saving money for our house.  We never go hungry or without the essentials.  We both want nice things and vacations, but those will come in time.  I truly believe that Chad will have the clientele and business that will let him have the lifestyle for us that he wants, while I work in a hospital and look forward to my retirement in 25 years (YIKES...I keep forgetting I'm almost 50) okay, 20 years to retirement.  But until then, we keep on plugging away.  We are fortunate to have his family close by to keep us grounded and while my family is a little further away, they are there to make us smile and  are only a phone call away.  So on May 8th, when classes start, I'll keep all this in mind while I look forward to August, the end of summer school, and some time off.

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