Friday, March 25, 2011


Ever feel like you're trying harder in the relationship than your partner?  That maybe your goals for the future just aren't the same?  That you need to get away for a while and appreciate what you have?  That's how I've been feeling lately. 

Now don't jump to conclusions.  Read on.  I love the life that I have now.  Chad and I have created a very comfortable existence for ourselves.  Yes, there's always the want for better and more,but I propose this:  If you have had a hard, unhappy past several years of your life, wouldn't you want to take time and enjoy the happiness you finally found for a while before traversing the road of difficult once again?

Chad wants me to go back to school.  "Don't you want to better yourself?" He says.  I understand he's only looking out for my best interest.  But maybe I don't wanna do all that again.  Maybe its not the right time for me.  Maybe I wanna stay home and take care of our house and dogs.  I'll still work of course.  I just want the chance to enjoy our lives together for a while before jumping into something where we will never get to see each other. 

It drives me crazy that he's always pushing and driving.  Never taking a moment to enjoy what he's got.    All I'm looking for is a little understanding. 


  1. he is simply the "ying" to your "yang"....

  2. I can truly relate to Chad. I have come to the realization that the constant wanting for a challenge and striving for bigger and better is where and when I am truly happy. It's difficult for me to imagine otherwise. Many times I have actually thought that people who "acted" differently were putting up a facade or would soon feel bored if they didn't see happiness the same way. But, I'm coming to the conclusion that many, maybe even most, do not share the same definition or capacity for happiness. You guys are TRULY meant for each other.
