Thursday, March 31, 2011


Why don't things work out the way we plan or hope they will?  Only our higher power knows.  I'm sitting here on the couch on the verge of tears bWecause my man is having a bad day.

We went to our mortgage guy this morning.  Things are moving along fine but we still have a few more months to go.  Money continues to be a problem as we are not making what we were used to in key west.

Things shouldn't be this hard and I look at Chad and want to just hold him and tell him everything will be alright.  I wish it was that easy.

I heard someone say once that men have an overwhelming desire to provide for their families and this sense to provide can sometimes override them to a point of obsession.  This is my man.  It makes me want to do everything I can to ease his pain.  Usually I overdo it by trying to make him laugh; take his mind away from all the stress.  This usually backfires on me and I end up getting my feelings hurt.  How selfish I am.

So the best thing we can do, I've heard,  is to let him know them know we're here if they need us.  Try to be as supportive as possible and take a little burden off their shoulders.   As I've said before, relationships take a lot of work.  Sometimes the only thing you can do is have a little cry.

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