Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Today is the anniversary of my sobriety. Eleven years today. This past year has flown by but upon reflection, it’s been a great year (aside from Covid19 that is).  And I think that is worth celebrating.

Last May I was in Alaska during this time and it was amazing. Coming home from that, I spent some time with one of nieces and my great niece and nephews (there’s another one on the way for next year). Worked a bunch and spent more time with family over the holidays. That’s what I’ll remember about the last year. Being with my family. I’ve spent some time trying to repair damage that I brought about while I was still drinking. And although family loves you unconditionally, lots of pain can be inflicted unintentionally. I thought by distancing myself, I was protecting them. It’s actually just the opposite. I realized that it was fear that motivated me to stay away. Fear controlled my life then and it was torture. Afraid to ask for help. Afraid of being truly myself. Afraid that if I let go of all that fear, I’d be truly alone.

So, here we are 11 years later and I’m not alone. I’m not afraid and I have more love than I ever thought possible. I did hurt a lot of people back then and I am truly sorry. Sometimes the guilt is overwhelming and I break down in tears. I still owe amends to a lot of people and I am still working on that. For I am a work in progress, and God is not done with me yet.

So I leave you with the lyrics to one of my new favorite songs. For we all have Scars.

Waking up to a new sunrise
Looking back from the other side
I can see now with open eyes
Darkest water and deepest pain
I wouldn’t trade it for anything
‘Cause my brokenness brought me to you
And these wounds are a story you’ll use

So I’m thankful for the scars
‘Cause without them I wouldn’t know your heart
And I know they’ll always tell of who you are
So forever I am thankful for the scars

Now I’m standing in confidence
With the strength of your faithfulness
And I’m not who I was before
No, I don’t have to fear anymore

             Scars by I Am They

Monday, April 6, 2020

Life is a Highway

The middle of a Pandemic seems like a good time to pick up my blog.  It's been many years now and as always things have changed.  I encourage you to go back and read some of my earlier posts going back 10 years now.  Wow....ten years.  Once you've caught up, maybe some of this will make better sense.  Maybe not.  Anyway, I believe it to be a fun read.

Pandemic.... this virus has swept across the face of the globe and has reached into almost every corner.  There are still some isolated areas out there fighting this thing and having a success.  That gives me hope that there is a chance for the rest of us even when everything else says differently.  We see numbers rise and others fall.  There's talk that the true number of deaths and cases in the U.S. and other countries is being held back.  We see on social media every day that the numbers just don't add up.  Conspiracy theories aside, it just doesn't matter. 

Why doesn't it matter you ask?  Well, for the time being, there isn't anything we can do.  Sure it makes some people feel better to rant and rave and place blame.  But the truth is... we don't have much choice.  Choices have been taken away from us.  The one truth I do see in all this is... that it isn't going away anytime soon.  We can social distance the hell out of one another, but the worst is yet to come and I believe we all know this.  Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. 

So, as I do with most thing, I try to make the best of the worst situation.  Laugh in the face of adversity. Organize and plan.  You see, I'm still essential.  Don't know how a restaurant worker is deemed essential, but I am.  And I'm happy about it.  Yes, there are times when I want to hunker down like most everyone else I know and stay home all day and night with my two fur babies.  But I go stir crazy on my days off.  And I can't let my work family down.  These adults I call my kids mean a great deal to me.  I'll do whatever possible to keep them safe.  I can't imagine what it would be like to stay in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  No way.  Sure, we can still go for walks and exercise as long as we stay 6 feet away, but shit it's scary out there.  I don't even like going to the grocery store.  I have a friend who has become agoraphobic because of this.  Afraid to leave the house.  Causes her massive panic attacks.

And then there are the compromised people.  Immune deficient, elderly, respitory difficulties, etc....

People joke about how it's the planets way of cleansing itself and resetting.  Sure.  I get that.  I mean pictures from space clearly show pollution levels have dropped across the globe.  Awesome.  But, the Flu kills more people every year than what we've seen so far (if the numbers are right).  So how long will the clean air last.  A month, two months after things go back to normal?  Will we learn anything from what is happening right now.  Will it make a difference.

I hope so.  HOPE.  A four letter word that means so much.  Pair it with a word that has kept me sober for 11 years (sorry, had to get it in there somehow)... FAITH.  Faith, a belief in something higher than ourselves that will lead us to where we need to be.  Even as a child, my faith that there was some reason for me to be kept alive when I shouldn't be kept me going.  GOD, some higher power, some belief that we are not the center of the universe and that there is something out there greater than us is what motivates millions.

That's what we have to keep alive:  hope and faith.  Hope that this will end soon with a better outcome than when we started.  And Faith that everything is going to work out the way it should.  It has too.  Even if it really is some conspiracy by the world governments for whatever reason, this should reshape the face of the planet.  Teach us the spirit of global cooperation.  Teach us that together we can overcome anything.  But it's time to make changes.  Whether political, religious or personal.  Change is what will lead us to the next plane of our existence.  Do all things through Love and whether it was wrong or right, the intention behind will be known. We are all just travelers here because life is a highway and I'm gonna ride it all life long.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Civil War

Seven years seems like a long time. It goes by quickly and sometimes you are just amazed at where you are, where you've been and where you may be going. There are times when the "wanderlust" hits me and I panic a little, but I keep myself grounded and look to the future. 

Me...long term goals....there was a time when that didn't exist in the same sentence. My only long term goal was finding the next drink. I used to be the person that could fit all my belongings in the back seat and trunk of someone's car. Had to be someone else's car cause I didn't have one. And if there was too much or I didn't have a way to move it, I left it. Didn't care. I left some pretty cool stuff in other people's houses. 

Now, it would probably take two uhauls to get all my stuff. I always knew that having a house was a forever thing and you constantly have to work on it. But really. I mean, for loves sake, I own a LAWNMOWER!!!  Dangerous, I know. But it goes back to something we talk about in AA. When you were drunk, you had nothing.  You are a cheater, a liar and a thief. When you're not drunk, and you can manage to stay sober, the world can be a remarkable place. 

The only thing truly remarkable in my life are the people. Without you...I would be nothing. 

From the beginning I was ruled by fear. Afraid to come out. Afraid to stand up to my dad. Afraid of being a disappointment to everyone. I hid behind a bottle from high school till I was 42. I was able to stand in front of my wall and be someone I thought was cool and popular. Until the end, I was always able to mask my drinking by working hard and being the best at what I do (Wolverine). I was never late; the "go to" guy for everything. I learned languages and traveled to make myself seem like that interesting person everyone wanted to know. The thing about masks is that they come off, break, or fly away.  And the thing about being interesting that you have to show interest. 

What I'm trying to get to is this:  we all try to hide at some point in our lives.  There are many reasons behind it. Some might do it to protect those they love.  Others, to run away from who they are. And still, some hide just because it's easier than living.  Just remember you're not alone. Your story is yours but not too unlike someone else's. And there's always going to be someone there to help. You just need to take it when your time has come. And it will come. For whatever reason you choose to hide, I hope you find the end to your civil war. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

You Are Not Alone

I've been sitting here reading over some of my old posts from years past trying to come of with some inspiration.  See...the thing is, I've been wanting to write for a while, and I know some of the topics that I wanted to talk about but nothing was bringing it all together.  I've never told anyone this but when I decide to write a blog, I always come up with a title first and challenge myself to end by using the title as the last words in the blog.  It isn't that hard, but sometimes I can't start because I can't think of a title.  Stupid.  I know. 
It's been a busy 2015 already.  Not to mention the fact that it's hotter than &%#$ out there. Personally, I believe "The Day After Tomorrow" storyline wherein the global climate shifts.  I'm in the perfect part of the country for it, but this weather is crazy.  I moved back to Florida.  Kentucky just wasn't the place for me.  I miss my family, but they understood.  Home is where the heart is and mine is here.  My sisters did come down with me when I moved and got to see the town I live in and I found a house with a view of the lake and a big back yard for Keeper to play in.  He loves not being on the leash anymore and the warmer weather really agrees with him (Me too).  So, all is good on my end. 
I enrolled in summer classes and started working back at the Deli and Outback.  So, I'm staying busy but I make sure and find time for me.
Growing up I idolized my sister.  Wanted to be just like her.  She has a great personality.  Makes friends with anyone very easily and always puts other people before herself.  Not to mention she had some pretty cute boyfriends too.  Talking now, there are things that I remember from HER high school years that she doesn't.  Songs she sang in choir, names of boys she dated... things like that.  This being said, it hurts me to see her hurt.  She's been dealt a lousy hand these past few months.  Things that would break a weaker person, but not her.  She raised two very loving children with very little and worked hard for every bit of it.  I want you to know that I love you. Enjoy this.  I think of you every time I listen to it. 

Sidewalk Prophets - Save My Life Lyrics

Artist: Sidewalk Prophets
Album: Live Like That
Genre: Christian
Heyo! SONGLYRICS just got interactive. Highlight. Review: RIFF-it.
RIFF-it good.
Play Music image:
We’ve met half a dozen times
I know your name I know you don’t know mine
But I won’t hold that against you

You come here every Friday night
I take your order and try to be polite
And hide what I’ve been going through

If you looked me right in the eye
Would see the pain deep inside
Would you take the time to

Tell me what I need to hear
Tell me that I’m not forgotten
Show me there’s a God
Who can be more than all I’ve ever wanted
‘Cause right now I need a little hope
I need to know that I’m not alone
Maybe God is calling you tonight
To tell me something
That might save my life

I’m the pastor at your church
For all these years you’ve listened to my words
You think I know all the answers

But I’ve got doubts and questions too
Behind this smile I’m really just like you
Afraid and tired and insecure

If you look me right in the eye
Would you see the real me inside
Would you take the time to


Save my life

I am just like everyone
Jesus I need You, I need Your Love
To save my life


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Next Six Years

So much has happened that it makes it really hard to believe that it's only been six years.  Seems like a lifetime ago and as well it should.  Because it was another life.  Someone elses.  Someone I wasn't very proud of.  For the past week I've been thinking hard about that life and one day last week (last Saturday to be exact) I was an inch close to throwing it all away.  It's amazing how quickly we want to return to our past even when our current life is the best thing we have ever known.  Of course I didn't.  I turned to all the things that have kept me sober for six years and held on to them.

I started thinking about my friends first:  Becky, Emsa, Yara, Tiff and how much they mean to me and that they would never have been a part of my life if I was still drinking.  Then my family:  my Mom, sisters, brother, my extended Fallon Family and knew that they wouldn't be there either.  And then the big hitter:  my life.  I wouldn't even be around.  I think of all the wonderful things that have happened to me since I quit drinking and of all the things I've done and seen.  I think of all the possibilities of all the things to come and know that I want to grow old and maybe pass a little of what I've learned on to the generations to come.  

I do know that I never would have made it this far without the help of some very special, patient and loving people:  Chad, Erica, Brian C., my sponsor Haig, God, Alison and Angela Storchevoy, both of my families, especially my Dad.  It's funny that in his death, I found strength. And even though it's been almost two years since he's been gone,  I still look to the stars every night and say hello and tell him how much I miss him.  I still seek his approval in everything I do and I know he's there watching over me.

One thing that's gotten me thinking about my sobriety so much is this girl I work with at the Deli.  I see her going through some of the same things I did.  I see how much she changes from sober to drunk and how she's throwing it all away, even her kids.  I want to reach out and smack her and shake her till she understands, but I don't.  Instead, I've offered to be there and help her when she decides she's ready.  Because I know there is no other way.  You can't force this on someone.  Rock bottom comes up fast and hard and I know I'll be there when she's ready.  If she's ready.  See, some of us don't get the chance to recover.  Some of us don't ever see exactly what alcohol is doing to our life.  Some do and choose to do nothing about it.  Praise be to those that don't have the problem.  It was explained to me that some of us just aren't wired correctly to be drinkers.  My problem was once I started, I didn't want to stop.  And it almost killed me.

So, today is my anniversary.  Six years ago today I stopped drinking.  Six years ago today, I was reborn.  And I damn well like the person I am now (if I could lose 30 pounds it would be even better).  I love my life and the direction it's headed and I truly love ALL the people that have chosen me to be a part of this life with them.  To all those I've mentioned and to all the others that I haven't, I can't wait to be with you for the Next Six Years. and the six years after that.  and the six years after that.  and the six years after that..etc.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Bend In The Road

No one ever knows the journey life will send you on.  There are so many cliches in regards to said reference that one could probably make a game of it.  "God works in mysterious ways", "Life is like a box of chocolates...", and so many others. I took the title of this post from a book by my favorite author, Nicholas Sparks. He writes all the tearjerker novels like "The Notebook", "A Walk to Remember", "Dear John", and so on.  As most of you know, I somewhat live in a fantasy world. I want the love story, the romance, the knight in shinning armor....the new found love of your life running through the airport begging you not to go.

Well, why do I write this you ask?!  I'm sitting in the airport in Lexington, Ky. where I just recently moved, awaiting my flight that will put me in Orlando where I will catch my connector flight to Dublin, Ireland wherein I will spend the next ten days. I've been planning this trip for about six months and I can't wait.

I wanted to take this trip because I was angry and decided that traveling would help me to get rid of the pain and become a starting over point in my life.  After my dad died and my relationship ended, I had this strength and focus I didn't know I had. I've made grown up decisions, putting my best foot forward and started acting like an adult. I never wanted to grow up. I always thought that I could ride the curtails of irresponsibility and still be ok. Well, you can't. There comes a time in your life when you have to let go of the fairy tale.  This doesn't mean that you can't revisit sometimes or turn it into a passion that can become fruitfull in the end. Just as long as you don't lose sight of the reality of it all.

Don't get me wrong.  There will always be a little Peter Pan inside me. Looking for his shadow and following the second star to the right.

This trip is for my father. I have searched to find his pride in me. To be accepted by him.  As an adult I knew I had it all along. As a child, it was something I could never attain. I feel him with at all times. Guiding me along a path we can both be proud of even when it isn't the path I would have chosen. I miss him so much. When we were children, I always complained because my turn on the back of the motorcycle wasn't as long as my brothers or sisters. Now I have him all to myself. I'm taking a trip with my dad.

This trip is also for me. A chance to let go of the hurt and pain. To find a new way to start this new chapter in my life and to put aside all the things that are holding me back.  I'm not afraid anymore. I am full of life and questions and wonder.  I want it all. And only I can hold myself back.

So don't be afraid of life. Don't let the unexplored become a crutch for your life. Use it. The way I see it, it's just a bend in the road.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Some Good Things Never Last

Earlier today I got some news that made me a little sad.  One of my favorite places in Key West is closing down.  Finnegans Wake is only one of many Irish pubs that dot the island but this one in particular holds special meaning to me.  For over 20 years I have been visiting this establishment.

When I was in college in Miami, my frat brothers and I would come down for different occasions (fantasy Fest being the biggest) and it wouldnt be a trip without stopping in at Finnegans.  It's the first time I tried a cider beer.  And loved it.  After graduation, began what would become years and years of traveling to Key West under the name of Outback Steakhouse.  Once again, Fantasy Fest was the main reason, but it soon became one of several reasons to visit the keys.  My friend Lara and I made several trips on our own because of men.  Finnegans would always be one of our stops.

During the course of one of these visits with my friend Amy, it became the meeting point.  We had gone down to help out at the Outback and work for a week (turned in to two) and met some people that would become lifelong friends.  All I can say is Fred's apartment on the dock isn't an apartment anymore.  Fred didn't marry Amy as I thought it would happen and we all still remember those long nights and jeep rides and things that would frighten fish.  And it usually started at Finnegans.  It where I developed my not-so-irish Irish accent (that I have been warned by a true Irishman to please not used for the 10 days I'm in Ireland or he's afraid I might not come back).

Later on, I moved to Key West and once again Finnegans was central to my life.  It became one of my favorite eating places.  The Mac and Cheese is just incredible.  It has cauliflower and broccoli in it and Irish bacon.  Amazing.  When I got out of rehab, Chad asked me what I wanted for dinner and I was craving a burger from Finnegans.  For St. Patty's day, they would clear all the tables out of the bar and block off the street on the side and it was THE place to be in Key West that wasn't on Duval Street.  It was the place I also told my boss that I was stepping down from management and staying at Outback since I had become involved with an employee and didn't want to leave. Still the best decision I ever made.

Last month I went back to KW to visit and I'm very happy now that Erica and I went there for dinner one night and we had the Mac and Cheese and I got my burger.  I'm sure there are many other things I just don't remember that happened there and I'm sure there will be many more good things to come to the place that takes over.  It's just so sad.....some good things never last.