Monday, December 20, 2010

Moving Hell

Well, as some of you may know, we have recently moved.  The trip from Key West to Orlando was not as bad as I expected.  After getting there though is when things got a little hairy.

Thank God my friend Amy came over to help.  If anything she kept what could have a been a really bad episode between Chad and myself, to just a spat that lasted for a few hours.  I think Chad's expectations were a little high.  Don't get upset if things aren't exactly where you wanted them.  Organizing takes a little time and it's gonna be done several times just to get it right.  To me, the thing was to get everything out of the boxes and up, so we can make room to walk and not having the place look like a box storage facility.  But, these are our two persona's:  I'm the lets take it slow and organize as we go but get it all out; as to where Chad is lets clean and organize now regardless of the mess so we only have to do it this one time. 

Neither is bad, but there are bound to be little tiffs along the way.  Which is what makes our relationship exciting and fresh. 

SO the house is coming together.  Please somebody tell me that I am not the only one that can't but the T.V./Stereo/DVD player cables in the right holes even after I marked them and thought it would be easy??!!!!  I'm hoping the cable guy will take pity on me when he gets here and help me with this.  How come they can't make it as simple as DVD Audio In/DVD Audio Out; TV Audio In/TV Audio Out.....
I know that some guy that just sits around playing video games all day can do this in two seconds, but I don't understand how it can be so difficult.  There has to be an easier way.  It's making my life hell right now.

I'm not looking forward to going back to work.  Yes, I know I have to, but having this past week off (even with the move) has been nice.  Can't someone just pay me to stay home.  I wish.  So, instead of saving money in case of, Chad and I went out and bought new phones.  Can't believe we stayed with the I-phone for so long.  There are so many better options out there.  I Love My New Samsung Galaxy by Verizon. Better picture, easier apps and faster connections.  No dropped calls or anything.  Maybe it was just because we lived on an island.  Who knows?!!!! But anyway, hopefully I can start work again on Wed.  Just waiting for the new boss to call and say its ok.  I'm not worried, but there is a little anxiety involved.

I like the location of our apartment in relation to work.  Only a half mile or so between the two with not to much traffic.  It's crazy right now because we also live only a half mile from the busiest mall in Orlando.  We went to Target (I have missed Target so much - I didn't want to leave it) twice yesterday.  Everything in one store and it's nice stuff.  It's a far cry from the ghetto K-Mart we had on Key West.  One Super Target would put at least ten businesses out of commission on the island. 

I also like the fact that we have carpet.  I was so tired of tile everywhere especially with Bare.  He sheds so badly that I was sweeping the floor two maybe three times a day.  It was ridiculous.  Now, just the vacuum is needed.  I am so happy.  It's the little things that make me happy.

Chad cooked dinner last night for the first time in a long while.  It was great.  I am always amazed at the things he can put together.  Chicken and dumplings with mashed potatoes and corn.  it was delish.  One of these days, after we win the lottery of course, I'm gonna open a little place for him to cook for everyone in.  You will love it. 

The only thing I'm worried about is Bare.  I don't think it's sunk in to him yet that we aren't going back to Key West.  I'm waiting for him to get depressed when he realized that his little playmate Sloane (aka Little Girl) isn't coming around.  It's gotta be hard on him.  They spent the last year together.  Grew up from wee little pups to his now 85 pound puppy (and yes he is still growing).  But I've promised him that we will get him a playmate as soon as we buy the house.

Buy a house?  My God, yes.  That was one of the reasons we moved here in the first place:  to be closer to family and buy a house. 

So, all in all, it hasn't been a bad week and I see things definitely getting better for us.  So lets cross our fingers and hope for the best.  After all, it isn't like we are moving hell.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Memories: New and Old

I'm sure the blog-a-verse is full of writings about Christmas.  It is that time of year.  Fond memories of Christmas' past and hope for Christmas' future bounce around in our craniums causing sleepless nights or dreams of grandeur.  I'm the same save for one, small thing:  I don't remember Christmas as a child. 

Alright, I hear everyone going "WHAT!!!".  But it's true.  Outside of images in my mind stolen from pictures in an album, I can't remember a lot of my childhood.  And I don't know why.  I've asked and threatened, but my family isn't so forthcoming with stories of old.  So, I've chosen to make new memories and start my own traditions with my husband and family. 

One of the few things I do remember is Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the whole Peanuts gang.  There is a picture of me as a small child playing under the Christmas tree in my PJ's (those old PJ's made of the softest fabric ever adorned with snoopy and woodstock), my winnie the pooh slippers and a toy train with a plastic Snoopy and my brother had the same train except he had Charlie Brown (I believe they shampoo bottles).  It was the best ever.  I loved Snoopy and still do to this day.  Just look at my facebook profile for the past few weeks.  Snoopy everywhere. 

Tonight after work, ABC Family was showing some of the old Christmas classics. "A Year Without a Santa Claus", the Miser Brothers Christmas and several others.  I love these things.  Chad thinks I'm the craziest person in the world because I know the words to the songs.  I think I'm just like a lot of other people out there.  Nostalgic.  These t.v. programs bring me back to my childhood and help me to remember what it's like to not have the cares of the world on your shoulders.  I think that if people remembered what it's like to be a child, just for a few minutes, some of the problems we face in our day to day lives won't seem so overpowering. 

I believe it was Jimmy Valvano (sp.) that said one time (excuse the paraphrasing): "If you laugh, you think and get moved to tears, that's a full day".  No truer thing has been said.  Being moved to tears, whether through laughter, joy, or some other emotional breakthrough is probably the hardest for most people to show.  Not me.  Hell, I cry at a commercial sometimes.  But I'm comfortable with that.  Why not?  Laughter:  who doesn't laugh everyday at something.  If you don't, come sit next to me for a while, I'll make you laugh.  Thinking though.  This is probably the hardest for some people. 

I'm on a tangent.  Back to the topic at hand.  Memories are what shape us.  It's a personal history of our lives.  Without memories, we would make the same mistakes over and over.  And that's just pointless.  Without memory, we wouldn' learn from our mistakes and that's futile.  People that don't learn from their mistakes are destine to live lonely, miserable lives.  I've been on the edge of that madness and I thank God everyday that I came out of it, and saw my way through to something better (with lots of help from friends and loved ones).

So, coming into Christmas, lets take a moment to connect with our childhood in one way or another.  Watch "It's a Charlie Brown Christmas".  Channel your inner Peppermint Patty or Linus (always thought I was a Linus).  Let your heart fill with the joy of Christmas.  Let it bring you to tears.  Yes, Christmas is mostly for the children, but there is no law that says, as adults, that we can't feel the spirit move through us.  Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus.  He lives inside each of us. Helping us with memories:  new and old.